got questions?
we’ve got answers!
Simple answer: no we are not a CrossFit gym. Although we respect CrossFit as a very effective and influential fitness methodology we don’t feel it is the best way for our specific clientele to reach their full fitness potential.
Grow Class = 90% weightlifting.
Breathe Class = 90% conditioning (cardio).
Flex Class = Fast paced with a combo of both.
Monday through Friday we like to keep classes under 15 people so our members have enough space to feel comfortable during their workout. On the weekend we do not put a cap on attendance. The more the better on the weekend!
Yes absolutely! All of our classes are led by a coach that can help you with your movement technique as well as give you suggestions about what weights will work for you during your workout!
Punch cards and drop in classes can be purchased online. If you're interested in signing up for a monthly class membership please fill out our inquiry form and a coach will contact you ASAP!
A “flex pack” is purchased with a one time payment at the beginning of the sessions. These sessions can be used however the client needs to each week. One week 1 session may be used, the next week 2 or 3 may be used. The sessions are scheduled week to week until the 12 or 24 sessions are completed and then another pack may be purchased. Flex packs are great for clients who have busy and unpredictable schedules!
Monthly personal training memberships have a monthly fee which is auto drafted from a card or bank account each month just like our group class membership. With the monthly membership the client is committing to coming 2-3 times per week depending on what option they choose and these sessions would be at recurring times each week. The monthly personal training membership is best for clients who are ready to commit and have a consistent weekly schedule!
Each session is designed specifically to what the clients goals are. With that being said, our core philosophy is that everyone needs a good dose of weightlifting in their workout routine, so most PT sessions will consist of time working with weights in your hands with conditioning and interval training mixed in from time to time!
Unless you plan on spending 4-5 hours in the gym 5-6 days a week, sleeping 8 hours a night every night and hiring a nutrition coach to calculate everything you eat then weightlifting WILL NOT make you bulky…..at all.
What lifting weights 2-3 times a week consistently WILL do for you:
Improve joint health
Increase metabolism
Reduce stress
Reduce risk of chronic conditions
Enhance muscle tone
Increase bone density
Boost self esteem
And much more :)
This depends on weekly schedule as well as commitment level but we generally recommend 2x a week for no less than 45 minutes for people just starting out!
All personal training flex packs and monthly memberships have to be purchased at the gym.
Please fill out our inquiry form and a coach will contact you as soon as possible to schedule a meeting!